
Add a chapter to your video or audio files

Adding a chapter to a video or audio file, especially a long file, can help you quickly find and/or jump to certain chapters quickly.

  1. On the Hibernia College Home home page, in the My apps area, select Media Drive.
  2. In the upper-left corner of the media drive, select the media icon .
  3. Select the file that you want to edit.

The details appear to the right of the file.

  1. On the Chapters tab, select Create Chapter.

The following screen appears:

  1. Play the file and at the point where you want to start a chapter, select the Set Start clock.
  2. When you want to end the chapter, select the Set End clock.
  3. In the Chapter title field, add an appropriate title.
  4. Add a chapter description if you want.
  5. You can also add a thumbnail to a chapter. You can set the thumbnail from the file or upload a thumbnail from a different file.
    1. To set the thumbnail from the file:
      1. Play the file and pause it where you want to take the thumbnail from.
      2. Select Set thumbnail.
    2. To upload a thumbnail from a different file:
      1. Select Upload thumbnail.
      2. Browse to the file on your desktop or device that you want to use as the thumbnail and select Open.

Note: This file must be a JPG or PNG file.

  1. Select Submit.
  2. To add more chapters, repeat steps 4–10.
  3. To edit a chapter's details:
    1. On the right of the chapter, select the edit chapter icon .

Edit the details and select Submit.

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