Pages and blocks
Create a page
A page is the basic unit to which you add blocks of content.
Select the Main menu icon
Select Create.
Select Pages and collections.
Select Add.
In the Create a page or collection dialog box, select Page.
On the Settings page, give the new page a title and description.
Tags will help you search for your page later. To add a tag, in the Tags section, enter a word into the Search box and select Enter. If you do not select Enter, the tag will not save. You can add more than one tag.
Select Advanced.
To prevent the accidental removal of blocks, select the Prevent removing of blocks option button to change it to Yes.
In the Name display format drop-down list box, select how you want your name to appear.
Select Save.
You can resize your page by selecting the Resize icon
After you create your page, you will want to add content to it. To do this, you add a selection of blocks to it. For example, if you want to add written content, you add a text block. Blocks types include:
Block type | Function |
Text | Adds text snippets to your page |
Image | Adds an image to your page |
File(s) to download | Adds files for people to download from your page |
Folder | Adds a folder to your page |
Image gallery | Displays images from your files or an external gallery |
Embedded media | Displays an embedded audio or video file on your page |
Displays a PDF on your page | |
Journal | Embeds content from your journals in several ways |
Journal entry | Displays one journal entry |
Tagged journal entries | Displays tagged journal entries across all your journals |
Creative Commons license | Adds a block to your page that lets users know under which Creative Commons licence your page is published |
Note | Adds a note to your page |
External media | Embeds content from a variety of third-party sites |
You can reuse the blocks that you create on as many pages as you want.
Add a Text block
The Text block enables you to add text to your page. It is good practice to prepare your text in a Microsoft Word document before copying it to your digital portfolio so that you can spellcheck it.
Select the Main menu icon
Select Create.
Select Pages and collections.
Select the page title to which you want to add the Text block.
To enable you to edit the page, select the Edit icon
Drag the Drag to add a new block icon
to the page. A dotted line indicates where you can drop the block.
The Placeholder: Configure dialog box appears.
In the Block title box, add a title.
Select Text.
In the Block content box, enter your text.
The Draft option button defaults to No, which means that the text will not be visible to others. Change this to Yes if you want others to see the block.
Tags will help you search for your block later. To add a tag, in the Tags section, enter a word into the Search box and select Enter. If you do not select Enter, the tag will not save. You can add more than one tag.
If you want to make your Text block retractable and only show the heading on the page, in the Retractable drop-down list, select Yes.
To confirm your entries, select Save.
Add an Image block
The Image block enables you to display a single image in a block.
Select the Main menu icon
Select Create.
Select Pages and collections.
Select the page title to which you want to add the Image block.
Drag the Drag to add a new block icon
to the page. A dotted line indicates where you can drop the block.
The Placeholder: Configure dialog box appears.
In the Block title box, add a title.
Select Image.
Select Image.
You can choose from My files, Group files, Institution files or Site files. To upload an image, on the My files tab, select Choose files.
Browse to your image, select it and select Open.
In the Width box, specify the width of your image in pixels, or leave the box blank to retain the original size of the image.
If you want to make your Image block retractable and only show the heading on the page, in the Retractable drop-down list, select Yes.
Select Save.
Add a File(s) to download block
The File(s) to download block lets you select files that viewers of your portfolio can download.
Select the Main menu icon
Select Create.
Select Pages and collections.
Select the page title to which you want to add the File(s) to download block.
Drag the Drag to add a new block icon
to the page. A dotted line indicates where you can drop the block.
The Placeholder: Configure dialog box appears.
In the Block title box, add a title.
Select File(s) to download.
Select Files.
You can choose from My files, Group files, Institution files or Site files. On the My files tab, select Choose files.
Browse to your file, select it and select Open.
Select Save.
Add a Folder block
The Folder block lets you add a folder from your uploaded files and display all files within it.
Select the Main menu icon
Select Create.
Select Pages and collections.
Select the page title to which you want to add the Folder block.
Drag the Drag to add a new block icon
to the page. A dotted line indicates where you can drop the block.
The Placeholder: Configure dialog box appears.
In the Block title box, add a title.
Select Folder.
Select Folders.
You can choose from My files, Group files, Institution files or Site files. On the My files tab, select your folder.
You can sort the order of files if you want.
If you want to make your Folder block retractable and only show the heading on the page, in the Retractable drop-down list, select Yes.
Select Save.
Add an Image gallery block
The Image gallery block lets you add a folder with images to show in a gallery or embed an external image gallery.
Select the Main menu icon
Select Create.
Select Pages and collections.
Select the page title to which you want to add the Image gallery block.
Drag the Drag to add a new block icon
to the page. A dotted line indicates where you can drop the block.
The Placeholder: Configure dialog box appears.
In the Block title box, add a title.
Select Show more.
Select Image gallery.
You can select a folder with images or individual images to show in a gallery, or embed an external image gallery.
Select the relevant Image selection option button. For this training, we will continue with the default option selected.
You can choose from My files, Group files, Institution files or Site files. On the My files tab, select your folder.
You can change the style of the images, show a description, add a photo frame and change the width of the images.
If you want to make your Image gallery block retractable and only show the heading on the page, in the Retractable drop-down list, select Yes.
Select Save.
Add an Embedded media block
The Embedded media block enables you to display an embedded audio or video file from your uploaded files.
Select the Main menu icon
Select Create.
Select Pages and collections.
Select the page title to which you want to add the Embedded media block.
Drag the Drag to add a new block icon
to the page. A dotted line indicates where you can drop the block.
The Placeholder: Configure dialog box appears.
In the Block title box, add a title.
Select Show more.
Select Embedded media.
Select Media.
In the Upload file area, select Choose files and browse to the location of the audio or video file you want to upload. The maximum size of the file you can upload is 50 MB.
If you want to make your Embedded media block retractable and only show the heading on the page, in the Retractable drop-down list, select Yes.
Select Save.
Add a PDF block
The PDF block lets you embed a PDF on a page.
Select the Main menu icon
Select Create.
Select Pages and collections.
Select the page title to which you want to add the PDF block.
Drag the Drag to add a new block icon
to the page. A dotted line indicates where you can drop the block.
The Placeholder: Configure dialog box appears.
In the Block title box, add a title.
Select Show more.
Select PDF.
Select File.
You can choose from My files, Group files, Institution files or Site files. To upload a PDF, on the My files tab, select Choose files and browse to the PDF you want to upload.
If you want to make your PDF block retractable and only show the heading on the page, in the Retractable drop-down list, select Yes.
Select Save.
Add a Journal block
Mahara has a Journal function that only you can see. You can record your thoughts and evaluate your experiences on your programme by adding entries to a journal. It is similar to keeping a diary or blogging. Your entries are time-stamped but you can edit them at any stage.
You can create one or multiple journals. You can access your journals by going to the Main menu > Create > Journals. Journals are private unless you add them as a Journal block to a page that you share with people.
To create a journal, see the Journals section.
To adda Journal block to a page:
Select the Main menu icon
Select Create.
Select Pages and collections.
Select the page title to which you want to add the Journal block.
Drag the Drag to add a new block icon to the page. A dotted line indicates where you can drop the block.
The Placeholder: Configure dialog box appears.
Select Show more.
Select Journal.
In the Block title box, add a title. In the Journal section, browse to the journal you want to add. Remember, you must have created a Journal before you can add it to a Journal block.
Adjust the Entries per page box to suit your requirements.
Select the appropriate option from the Block copy permission drop-down list.
If you want to make your Journal block retractable and only show the heading on the page, in the Retractable drop-down list, select Yes.
Select Save.
Add a Journal entry block
To create a journal entry, see the Add an entry to a journal section.
To add a journal entry to a page that you can share with people:
Select the Main menu icon
Select Create.
Select Pages and collections.
Select the page title to which you want to add the Journal entry block.
Drag the Drag to add a new block icon
to the page. A dotted line indicates where you can drop the block.
The Placeholder: Configure dialog box appears.
Select Show more.
Select Journal entry.
In the Block title box, add a title. In the Journal entry section, browse to the journal entry you want to add. Remember, you must have created a Journal entry before you can add it to a Journal entry block.
Select the appropriate option from the Block copy permission drop-down list.
If you want to make your Journal entry block retractable and only show the heading on the page, in the Retractable drop-down list, select Yes.
Select Save.
Add a Tagged journal entries block
To use this block, you must have added tags to previously created journal entries.
Select the Main menu icon
Select Create.
Select Pages and collections.
Select the page title to which you want to add the Tagged journal entries block.
Drag the Drag to add a new block icon
to the page. A dotted line indicates where you can drop the block.
The Placeholder: Configure dialog box appears.
Select Show more.
Select Tagged journal entries.
In the Block title box, add a title.
In the Display entries tagged with drop-down list, select the relevant tags.
Select the appropriate option from the Block copy permission drop-down list.
Update the rest of the options as required and select Save.
Add a Creative Commons license block
A Creative Commons licence is a public licence that allows the free distribution of otherwise copyrighted material. When you have created content in your digital portfolio, you can let viewers know under which Creative Commons licence your page is published.
Select the Main menu icon
Select Create.
Select Pages and collections.
Select the page title to which you want to add the Creative Commons license block.
Drag the Drag to add a new block icon
to the page. A dotted line indicates where you can drop the block.
The Placeholder: Configure dialog box appears.
In the Block title box, add a title.
Select Show more.
Select Creative Commons license.
The Allow commercial uses of your work? option is set to Yes by default. If you want to permit others to copy, distribute, display and perform the work, including for commercial purposes, accept this default setting. Otherwise, change the option to No.
The Allow modifications of your work? drop-down list has three options:
Yes, as long as others share alike: This is the default option. This means that you permit others to distribute derivative works only under the same licence or one compatible with the one that governs the licensor's work.
Yes: You permit others to copy, distribute, display and perform the work, and make derivative works based on it.
No: You permit others to copy, distribute and transmit only unaltered copies of the work — not derivative works based on it.
Leave the License version at the default 3.0.
If you want to make your Creative Commons license block retractable and only show the heading on the page, in the Retractable drop-down list, select Yes.
Select Save.
The Creative Commons licence then appears on your page.
Note blocks
Notes are pieces of text that you can reuse from one portfolio page to another without having to copy the entire page. You can add notes to various pages.
Create a note
Select the Main menu icon
Select Create.
Select Pages and collections.
Select the page title to which you want to add the Note block.
Drag the Drag to add a new block icon
to the page. A dotted line indicates where you can drop the block.
The Placeholder: Configure dialog box appears.
In the Block title box, add a title.
Select Show more.
Select Note.
In the Block content box, add content.
You can choose to allow or close comments on your note.
Tags will help you search for your block later. To add a tag, in the Tags section, enter a word into the Search box and select Enter. If you do not select Enter, the tag will not save. You can add more than one tag.
If you want to make your Note block retractable and only show the heading on the page, in the Retractable drop-down list, select Yes.
Select Save.
Use content from another note
You can reuse a previously created note on as many other pages as you want. It is important to remember that if you change the note in one place, it will change in all instances of that note.
Select the Main menu icon
Select Create.
Select Pages and collections.
Select the page title to which you want to add the Note block.
Drag the Drag to add a new block icon
to the page. A dotted line indicates where you can drop the block.
The Placeholder: Configure dialog box appears.
In the Block title box, add a title.
Select Show more.
Select Note.
Select Use content from another note.
On the Browse tab, select the note you want to add.
The title of the existing note is added to the Block title box. A message appears advising that if you change any part of the note, it will change everywhere that the note appears. Be mindful of this, especially if you are sharing a note that others use.
If you want to change the selected note, you can make a copy of it. When you edit it, the changes will only affect this page.
To save the note without editing it, select Save.
The note will now appear on your page.
Add an External media block
The External media block lets you embed content from a wide variety of third-party sites.
Select the Main menu icon
Select Create.
Select Pages and collections.
Select the page title to which you want to add the External media block.
Drag the Drag to add a new block icon
to the page. A dotted line indicates where you can drop the block.
The Placeholder: Configure dialog box appears.
In the Block title box, add a title.
Select Show more.
Select External media.
In the URL or embed code box, add the URL or embed code of the page you want to reference.
You can leave the Width and Height boxes at the default.
Tags will help you search for your block later. To add a tag, in the Tags section, enter a word into the Search box and select Enter. If you do not select Enter, the tag will not save. You can add more than one tag.
If you want to make your Embedded media block retractable and only show the heading on the page, in the Retractable drop-down list, select Yes.
Select Save.
Delete a block from a page
Select the Main menu icon
Select Create.
Select Pages and collections.
Select the page title from which you want to delete a block.
Select the Edit icon
In the header area of the block, select the Remove block icon
In the confirmation message, select OK.
Important: When you delete some blocks, the content is permanently deleted and cannot be recovered.
This table shows the deletion status of the various blocks. Note that the block types with an asterisk are permanently deleted.
Block type | Deletion status if deleted |
Text* | The Text block is permanently deleted. |
Image | The Image block is deleted, but the image still exists in the Files area. |
File(s) to download | The File(s) to download block is deleted, but the file(s) still exists in the Files area. |
Folder | The Folder block is deleted, but the folder and its files still exist in the Files area. |
Image gallery | The Image gallery block is deleted, but the file still exists in the Files area. |
Embedded media | The Embedded media block is deleted, but the file still exists in the Files area. |
The PDF block is deleted, but the file still exists in the Files area. | |
The Journal block is deleted but the journal still exists in the Journals area. | |
Journal entry | The Journal entry block is deleted but the journal entry still exists in the Journals area. |
Tagged journal entries | The Tagged journal entries block is deleted but the tagged journal entries still exist in the Journals area. |
Creative Commons license* | The Creative Commons license block is permanently deleted. |
Note* | The Note block is permanently deleted, as is the note. |
External media* | The External media block is permanently deleted. For example, the embedded code for a YouTube video is deleted. |
Although artefacts are safe because they are stored as plans, journals and files, they cannot be recreated. Also, formatting, text and external media blocks will be lost. When a collection is deleted, it does not delete the pages and page contents.
Page layout
Designing your page layout enables you to personalise the way in which your content appears. Here are some important points to note about page layout:
You can resize each block.
You can rearrange blocks on a page by selecting the block heading and dragging elsewhere.
You can edit blocks by selecting the Configure block icon
Design the layout of a page
Select the Main menu icon
Select Create.
Select Pages and collections.
Select the title of the page that you want to change the layout of.
Select the Edit icon
To move a block, select its heading.
Drag it to the required location on the page.
The block will move to the new position and other blocks will then snap into place. A preview of your page appears on screen. Your changes save automatically.
As you build up the content on your page, you can check how it will look to other users by selecting the Display page icon on the right of the screen.
Delete a page
Select the Main menu icon
Select Create.
Select Pages and collections.
At the lower right of the page you want to delete, select the More options icon
Select Delete.
In the confirmation message, select Yes.