
 Application layout (staff only)


1. To open the Cohort application on your desktop computer or laptop, in your Internet browser, go to

2. Log in with your Hibernia College Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials, if required. After you log in, the Home window appears by default and displays all your conversations in the Timeline.


3. To show only your one-to-one conversations in the Timeline, in the left pane, select Private.

4. To show only your project conversations in the Timeline, in the left pane, select Project.


5. To search your conversations, use the Filter at the top of the Timeline.


6. To filter the Timeline so that it only displays unread messages, at the top of the Timeline, select Unread.


7. To display a conversation in the right pane, in the Timeline, select a conversation.


8. In the left pane, under Overview, select Files.

    In the right pane, all files currently shared across your conversations appear. You can use the filter in the top-right corner to only display files shared by you or by others.


9. In the left pane, under Overview, select Meetings.

    In the right pane, your meeting calendar appears. Here, you can start a meeting instantly or schedule a meeting. This calendar only shows meetings that are scheduled within the Cohort application.


10. In the left pane, under Overview, select To-Dos.

    In the right pane, all To-Dos created across your conversations appear. You can use the filter in the top-right corner to only display To-Dos assigned to you, To Dos assigned to others or To-Dos that are unassigned.


11. In the top-right corner, under Shortcuts, select Contacts.

     In the right pane, all your contacts appear. You can use the filter to only display staff contacts or student contacts.


12. In the top-right corner, select your profile icon/picture. You can log out of the application from here or view your profile.


13. To the left of your profile icon, select the New + button. You can create a new conversation from here.


14. To the left of the New + button, select the Search Box. You can search for anything across the application using this search facility.


15. To return to the Home screen and your conversations Timeline, select Home.




1. Open the Cohort app  on your mobile device.

2. After you log in, your Conversations screen appears. You can use the filter at the top to find a conversation quickly.


3. At the top of the Conversations screen, select the + icon. You can create a new conversation from here.


4. To open a conversation, select one in the Conversations screen. The conversation opens.

    To return to the Conversations screen, select the back arrow icon .


5. At the bottom of the Conversations screen, select the Contacts icon.


    The Contacts screen appears.


6. At the bottom of the Contacts screen, select the Calendar icon.


   The Calendar screen appears. In the top-right corner, select the + icon to start a meeting instantly or schedule a meeting.


7. At the bottom of the Contacts screen, select the Account icon.


    The Account screen appears. From this screen, you can adjust your status, set your Out of Office and log out of the app.

    We recommend that you stay logged into the app so that you receive important notifications.


8. To return to the Conversations screen, at the bottom of the Account screen, select the Conversations icon.


9. At the top of the Conversations screen, select the Search icon .


     The Search screen appears. You can search for anything across the app using this search facility.


10. To return to the Conversations screen, select the back arrow icon .

    Note: Any names or images used in screenshots are fictitious and used solely for training purposes. 

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