

You can record your thoughts and evaluate your experiences on your programme by adding entries to a journal. It is similar to keeping a diary or blogging. Your entries are time-stamped but you can edit them at any stage.
You can create one or multiple journals. You can access your journals by going to the Main menu  > Create > Journals. Journals are private unless you add them as a Journal block to a page that you share with people.
To add a Journal block to a page that you can share with people, see the Add a Journal block section.


Create a journal

  1. Select the Main menu icon .

  2. Select Create.

  3. Select Journals.

  1. Select Create journal or Add one.

The New journal: Journal settings page appears.

  1. Give your new journal a title and a description.

  2. Tags will help you search for your block later. To add a tag, in the Tags section, enter a word into the Search box and select Enter. If you do not select Enter, the tag will not save. You can add more than one tag.

  3. At the bottom of the page, select Create journal


Add an entry to a journal

After you have created your journal, your next task is to add an entry to it.

  1. Select the Main menu icon .

  2. Select Create.

  3. Select Journals.

The Journals page appears.

  1. To add an entry, select New entry.

  2. In the Title box, add a journal title.

  3. In the Entry box, add an entry.

  1. It is good practice to tag your entry with a date, week, module name and so on, if appropriate. You can also attach a file to your entry.

  1. By default, your journal entry is not a draft. We recommend making it a draft until you are finished with it. To do this, in the Draft area, select the Draft option button to change it to Yes.

  1. When you are finished, select Save entry.


Publish a journal so that others can view it

An unpublished journal entry is labelled Draft and only you can view it. It will have a cream-coloured background.

  1. Select the Main menu icon .

  2. Select Create.

  3. Select Journals.


  1. To see all the entries in the relevant journal, select the journal name.

  1. To the right of the journal entry that you want to publish, select Publish.

If you previously added this journal entry to a Journal entry block on a page, this entry is now available to others to view. Others can comment on your entry automatically.

  1. To turn comments off, for the relevant journal entry, select the Edit icon .

  2. Select the Allow comments option button to change it to No.

Note: If you changed the Draft option button to No when you added the journal entry, the journal is automatically published.

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