
You can sync your MyHELMS calendar with other calendar applications. You might find this useful for adding reminders to your calendar. We recommend that you only sync short periods because information for longer periods may be inaccurate due to calendar updates.

  1. On the MyHELMS home page, select Calendar.
  2. Select Export Calendar.
  3. Type the date range for the events you are going to export, then select Export.
  4. Save the icalexport.xls file.
  5. On your PC or laptop, log in to your Gmail account.
  6. In Gmail, select Apps (a blue box on the top-left of the screen).
  7. Select Calendar.
  8. Select Add Calendar.
  9. Select Import.
  10. In the Select File from your computer box, navigate to where the icalexport.xls file is stored (it is usually located in your Downloads folder).
  11. Select Import.
  12. On your Android mobile device, download the Google Calendar app from the Google Play store.
  13. If necessary, sign in with your details to your Gmail account.
  14. If your Calendar is not displaying, select Settings, then select the calendar from the list. Please note that you may need to restart your mobile device after installing the Google Calendar app for the calendar to show up correctly.
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